By Pam Brown Courtney


What if we all were like the bumblebee? You know the insect that, according to the laws of aerodynamics, cannot fly? What if we all could fly despite the fear that comes to convince us that we cannot? I think I am a lot like the bumblebee. It doesn’t know that it is not supposed to be able to fly according to this aerodynamic stuff. So, it just moves its wings and flies. What if, in spite of what society says we cannot do, we just do it anyway? What would we be doing? Would we go back to school, after thinking we could not, to get that G.E.D., (Graduate Equivalency Degree), that Bachelor of Science (B.S.), that M.B.A. (Masters of Business Administration) or maybe that Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)? Maybe we would just chose to be happy in spite of the fact that others who look at our situations cannot see a reason why we should be happy. What if we thought of ourselves as the bumblebee? Maybe we would see ourselves as perfect – just as we are – with nothing missing, nothing lacking and just enough of everything we need to step into our greatness just like the bumblebee.

I believe the bumblebee understands its gift and purpose in the universe. I believe part of its purpose is to demonstrate to us its ability to defy the odds and just “be.” Or should I say and just fly. You know, the bumblebee has to believe that it can fly before it flies. What if? What if we chose to exercise what we wanted to do, be or accomplish just because we believe we can. I wonder what we would accomplish. Would we be our true self because we know we cannot fail? Would we dare release the chains of fear that shackles our dreams and desires deep inside of our minds? I know we sometimes think we don’t know enough to be all we can be. Sometimes, if we knew more, it would be too much to allow us to be all that we can be.

I remember when I decided that I wanted to build my own subdivision. I decided I was going to build it. So, I began doing it. Part of this process included me walking into my banker’s office and asking him to loan me $15 million dollars to begin. I will never forget his face. He turned as red as a tomato as he said, “Pam, you can’t just march into my office and ask me to loan you $15 million dollars to build a subdivision of 51 homes.”

I said, “Why not?”

“Pam, this is your first project as a builder/developer,” he said.

Well, I did not know any better, so I said, “What does that matter?”

“Pam,” he said. “I know builders who have been building their whole lives and when they die they will not have the completion of 51 homes on their resume.”

Still, not knowing any better I said, “What does that have to do with you loaning me $15 million to begin and complete my subdivision?”

What if I had known that was not the way to ask my bankers for $15 million. What if? Maybe I would not be sharing with you this story about my completed 51-home subdivision, Covenant Cove Community at 2700 Romine Rd.

What if? Well, I believe we are all like the bumblebees, able to be all that we want to be. We may have to defy the science of aerodynamics to get there, but we can all get there, wherever “there” is for you. You and I receiving does not limit nor make the universe scarce in its ability to give to others. As it has given enough to the bumblebee to be able to fly, it has given enough to you to be able to fly. So, go ahead and fly! Do not become an example of this statement I heard: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but it is too low and we reach it.”

The next time you see a bumblebee, see in it what you are; free to be you. Fly!!!